A downloadable playbook

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Weird Little Town is an alternate setting playbook for Unincorporated, inspired by Welcome to Night Vale, Hot Fuzz, The Wicker Man, American Gothic, and other stories of towns with dark secrets and bizarre conspiracies barely concealed from the hapless outsiders who stumble into them.

You are not an outsider. You know strange things are happening just below your town's quaint surface. You take the danger and weirdness for granted. But how much do you really know? How much horror are you willing to accept just to keep the peace? And, in a place like this, can you ever trust anyone, even yourself?

Weird Little Town adds surreal horror and mystery to your setting with new sets of creepy, absurd, and just plain weird Questions, Plots, and examples. Use them in place of the original game options, or combine them. Includes an unlabeled map with lots of empty space to fill in details during the setup.

It's available as a colorful PDF for your screen, a less colorful PDF for your printer, and an online play kit with a Open Hearth Gaming style character keeper in a Google Sheet and an unlabeled map to use in whichever app you prefer. The Google Sheet includes an overview of the basic rules for Unincorporated, but you'll probably still need the original rules booklet in one form or another.

Be weird and have fun! (And if you play it, feel free to add songs to the playlist!


© 2020 by Ethan Harvey. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Cover image adapted from art by Pixel_perfect on Pixabay.

The reference spreadsheet was modeled after Open Hearth Gaming’s excellent character keepers. It includes a dice roller tool created by Gerrit Reininghaus.

Thanks to Audrey Abell, Adam Poppenheimer, Raji Purcell, CJ Sands, and Steve for their suggestions!

Actual Plays

Want to see the game in play? Check out these actual play recordings. And if you've made one, please post the link in the comments so I can add it to the list!

Witchy Little Town: @yayforbooks runs a hilarious 2-part game in which Amelia Earhart is the worst roommate ever.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Screen PDF 7.4 MB
Version 0.1.1
Printer-friendly PDF 8.4 MB
Version 0.1.1
Online Play Kit (Google Drive folder)

Development log


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Updated link to the Google Drive folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dWOOdEEXsOYM3fLDt-h1tOuo1jNVH07B?usp=sharing

(2 edits)

The regular Unincorporated playlist is getting super long, so I’m breaking some bits off, and Weird Little Town has its very own playlist now! You know the drill: if you’ve played it, add a song or several that have a vibe that reminds you of the game you played, or otherwise seem appropriate for any reason. No need to keep to the existing genres.

Youtube version:


And on Spotify:
