A downloadable game

You’re a crew of monkeys. You’re miserable, for various reasons. But you’ve somehow ended up on a spaceship, and now it looks like you’re in control. Or at least nobody else seems to be controlling it, so it’s yours now, right?

The entire galaxy is open to you! You have a SPACESHIP – do something fun with it!

Too bad someone wants to stop you. Someone who probably knows a lot more about space than you do, and will do terrible things to keep you from reaching your destination. Why? Who knows? You’re just monkeys, you didn’t ask for any of this. But tell that to the unfeeling void of space.

You might want to learn to use that laser cannon.

This is a silly Lasers & Feelings hack I made for the Transformed Titles Jam. When a neural network hands you a title that sounds like a parody of every game on itch.io, you kind of have to write it.

Comes in PDF form, printable as a trifold pamphlet, a web page, and epub & kindle formats for your e-reader.

This game is free. I refuse to charge anyone for an untested game jam project.


Creative Commons License
Misery Monkeys in Space is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Text and design by Ethan Harvey.
Based on Lasers & Feelings by John Harper.
Cover image adapted from art by vectorpocket at freepik.com.
Character keeper based on the Lasers & Feelings character keeper by Tomer Gurantz.

Created for the Transformed Titles Jam

Thanks/blame go to SabineV5 for encouraging this ridiculous project.


pdf - trifold pamphlet 597 kB
Version 1.2.1 Dec 04, 2022
html 6.8 kB
Version 1.2.1 Dec 04, 2022
epub 501 kB
Version 1.2.1 Dec 04, 2022
kindle 709 kB
Version 1.2.1 Dec 04, 2022
character keeper (Google Sheet)
web page

Install instructions

To make a trifold pamphlet, print two-sided, flipped on the short edge.

Development log


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I was a dumbass and broke the link to the Google Drive character keeper without realizing it. It’s here now: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TS_ncHhsWtqW4amchPmWvYsPSTVclIqBaG9B0n50n6c/edit?usp=sharing

The game is also now available as an html page here: https://ethan-harvey.github.io/misery-monkeys/